Our second year on board the MSC Poesia, the Italian cruise ship that hosts the Holistic Holiday at Sea vegan vacation, did not disappoint. Some highlights, both fun and educational, were:
- Vegan ice cream, pizza, or “milk” and cookies parties every night. Since Miles was with us, they generally involved us taking turns to run up on deck and grab some snacks rather than partying into the night, but it was still a treat.
- Dr. Barnard’s lecture on improving cognitive function and preventing Alzheimer’s disease with a plant-based diet, including LOTS of supporting studies and interesting anecdotes. From his new book Power Foods for the Brain
- Dr. T. Colin Campbell’s lectures. Derek attended
- Four course breakfasts and five course lunches and dinners every day. Admittedly, some were a struggle with an 11-month-old, but it helps that he likes to eat.
- All you can eat fruit all day in the cafeteria. I think in general, because it’s a European rather than American cruise company, the quality of the food is far better. They also sometimes had cheeseless pizza and vegan Indian and Italian dishes on the buffet.
- Colleen Patrick-Goudreau’s cooking classes. I attended one on satisfying cravings with whole foods at which she demonstrated a lentil soup, hummus-based quesadillas, and …The Q & A that went on during the demo was full of helpful tips. Did you know that canned beans cause less gas because of the long soaking they are put through to remove their sugars for canning?
- A fascinating lecture on longevity that Derek attended taught by Diane Haworth and Michael Varbaek , a couple that has been researching the habits of the world’s longest lived people. Some of their lesser-known habits: drinking hot water or hot beverages and eating soup every day, eating a lot of sweet potatoes, and many others that Derek will share.
Also fun was the opportunity to perform in the talent show! I danced (somewhat cautiously because the ship was moving!) and Derek did a posing routine in some short shorts we got at a souvenir shop in Jamaica.
AND…drumroll please….Dr. T. Colin Campbell and Colleen Patrick-Goudreau have agreed to allow us to share our DVD’s of their presentations from the cruise with you!
Our intern is even now working to get those videos formatted and uploaded for us to share through our member portal, so look for that in the near future. So when you’re planning a vacation for next year, consider this awesome vegan event – next year’s cruise will be on a brand new larger ship (they’re even considering adding a European cruise if enough people sign up). And if you do, don’t forget to mention us (Derek or Marcella) so that someday we can be presenters, bringing you some personal training and fitness classes on board!