We have good news for those of you who may be struggling with transitioning to a vegan diet or preparing nutritious plant-based meals during a busy week: Veestro is here! Veestro is a plant-based, vegan meal delivery service that makes healthy organic GMO and preservative-free meals easy for those who are too tired or busy to cook every meal fresh.
I’ve had many clients locally and abroad who struggled to eat the kinds of meals they needed to, whether because of a busy work schedule, temptation at work, or utter confusion about how to cook at all, let alone with whole plant foods. This lack in skill to prepare food or in easy access to vegan food has most often accounted for times they’ve fallen off their nutrition plan and ate unhealthily, or worse, ate animal-based foods.
We sampled a variety of entrees, shipped quickly all the way across the country, from Veestro recently and everything was delicious, healthy, and satisfying so we’ve decided to affiliate with them and help spread the word! We even may be working with their chef in the future to design an athlete’s meal plan based around our whole-foods and beans & greens philosophy, so we’re very excited to see where this relationship takes us!
If you’d like to try some of these vegan meals, prepared by a world-class gourmet chef, get an extra 10% off with our coupon code: VEGMUSFIT! Go to their website at Veestro.com to browse the wide variety of entrees available, place an order, and don’t forget to enter the coupon code when you check out! Our favorites so far are the Lentil Meat Loaf, Enchilada Casserole, and Red Curry with Tofu and Vegetables – so please give them or any others that catch your eye a taste test and let us know what you think!
P.S. – This is a great gift idea for any expecting mothers out there! Our friends and family were kind enough to bring us food for weeks following Miles’s birth and it was wonderful given the impossibility of cooking ANYTHING with a newborn…but it was mostly restaurant food and led to some unwelcome postpartum weight gain (for both of us).