I’ve wanted to post something about this for a while, so I finally went through several of my old exercise magazines and clipped out some nutrition articles. For those of you who read such magazines with any regularity, you probably recognize the type of article I was looking for. They usually begin with “such and such chemical found to have xyz dramatic health benefits”, then they go on to tell you to buy said chemical in supplement form. I always find these articles funny (and frustrating) because of their obvious implications. Here are some I cut out as examples:
- Antioxidants in blueberries found to slow the effects of aging – CNN
- Beta-ecdysterone in spinach increases protein synthesis [muscle growth] by 20% – MuscleMag
- Betaine from beets found to increase muscle endurance and recovery – Flex
- Fruits and vegetables help maintain muscle mass and reduce muscle wasting in older adults – MuscleMag
- ECGC in green tea boosts the immune system and helps reduce bodyfat – Muscle and Fitness
- Capsaicin in hot peppers helps reduce overeating and aids in loss of bodyfat – Muscle and Fitness
- Polyphenols in apples increase muscle strength – Flex
- Licorice extract from the licorice plant increases weight loss – MuscleMag
- Resveratrol in grapes is a potent anti-cancer chemical – Men’s Health
- Lycopene in tomatoes prevents prostate cancer – Eating Well
Just me ranting on what ought to be obvious, but I hope this encourages everyone to eat even more greens and beans!