Forget expensive creams and risky surgeries – the secret to looking and feeling younger might be hiding in your produce aisle! It’s my first post in ages, (but I haven’t stopped learning!), so I wanted to share some things I’ve…

Forget expensive creams and risky surgeries – the secret to looking and feeling younger might be hiding in your produce aisle! It’s my first post in ages, (but I haven’t stopped learning!), so I wanted to share some things I’ve…
As someone who’s been vegan for thirteen years, and who’s eaten a whole foods diet for half of that time, I never expected to deal with a chronic disease at my age (I’m 32). Yet, a few months after my…
My long overdue article on vegan pregnancy and childhood is up! Building Vegan Bodies from Scratch: 3 Myths About Vegan Pregnancy and Raising Vegan Children Dispelled, Part 1 can be viewed at the website of our sponsor Vegan Bodybuilding & Fitness:…
Marcella and I have been in heads-down training and working mode recently so we haven’t been posting as much as we should, but I wanted to update everyone on one of the things we’re currently preparing for – the…
Workout and excerpt from our meal plan included in this post! I last posted on my progress here. Having just become the mother of this adorable little nugget I really could not imagine bringing the intensity of days past to…
I’ve had a few questions about what I’ve been eating during pregnancy, so I’ll share! A great pregnancy nutrition resource, by the way, is The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Plant-Based Nutrition by Julieanna Hever, MS R.D. C.P.T., which contains some very…
As a personal trainer I’ve talked with many people and even seen clients struggle with iron-deficiency anemia after adopting a plant based diet. I’ve even had people describe to me how much better they felt eating this way until the issue…
Walk into any Crossfit gym these days and the predominant nutritional advice you’ll hear is unfortunately that of the Paleo Diet. Now I am by no means knocking Crossfit – it is a fantastic style of exercise programming that…
I’m really excited because plant-based nutrition as a means of improving your health has been in the media a lot the last few days! Former President Bill Clinton was in a special on CNN this past Thursday discussing his dramatic…
The Forks Over Knives DVD is now available for pre-order here at a discount; they’ll be shipped August 9th! You can even order DVD + companion book packages and 4-packs at further discounts…I know what everyone’s getting for Christmas… I…
This seems like the perfect time to announce: we’re adding meal planning to our Fitness & Nutrition Consulting services! Two-week menus, with grocery lists (for locals a grocery delivery service called Relayfoods may make it possible for me to actually…
By now you’ve probably seen that the USDA has come out with it’s latest rendition of the food guide pyramid- MyPlate. Its release last week led to some buzz (at least from my perspective on facebook and twitter), and I…
Here’s a blueprint of what we eat. You can basically take this list and choose from the different breakfasts, lunches, dinners, snacks, and post-workout drinks according to your tastes and cooking skill and create a menu for yourself. W e…
How awesome: we had a full house at Crossroads Coffee last night for our screening of Planeat, a documentary exploring plant-based nutrition and the environmental impact of our dietary choices!! Events like this make all of our efforts so…
So what does a plant-based diet look like in practice? I touched on that a bit in this post by reviewing an example grocery list and what I made with all the food…but I think in general we present a…
Just wanted to share an article I wrote recently for that compares standard and vegan bodybuilding diets and includes a sample whole foods bulking menu. Check it out here!
I’m so excited about this Spring because not one but TWO awesome documentaries about plant-based nutrition are coming out! Planeat is coming out this month and may already be in a theater near you, so check the link and look…
**UPDATE: How We Saved $7000 Annually on Our Plant Based Grocery Bill ** This post will either be really boring or really informative…Since two major roadblocks to eating less processed food that people cite are the cost and confusion about what…
Keeping my body fat % down while building muscle has always been a challenge. So, if I make a diet change that results in my suddenly losing a few percent body fat – without losing muscle – I’d have to…
Hello and happy February! To start the month off right I thought I’d finally get Dr. Campbell’s last Principles of Nutrition up, so thank you for your patience! To recap on where we left off, just check the first two…