Just in case anyone wasn’t sure on this point, they do. This myth came from the 1971 book Diet For a Small Planet by Francis Moore Lappe, who stated that plants are deficient in certain essential amino acids and therefore…

Just in case anyone wasn’t sure on this point, they do. This myth came from the 1971 book Diet For a Small Planet by Francis Moore Lappe, who stated that plants are deficient in certain essential amino acids and therefore…
Hey y’all! Guess where protein comes from? I shot this off-the-cuff lecture about it, so have a look if you’re curious! It’s actually kind of embarrassing because I filmed this like a year ago and haven’t posted it until now,…
I’ve been perfecting the craft of whole-food vegan shakes for nearly a decade now. When I started, my goal was simply to pack the most possible calories and protein into a drink made from whole plant foods – and you…
by Forest Crosbie Today I want to share with you one of my favorite recipes for preparing tofu, which is a staple that I eat almost every day – especially during competition prep. Tofu is a great source of plant…
by Max Seabrook New Year’s resolutions are starting up now that it’s January and many people are starting their fitness journey or weight-loss regime! All is well except there’s an endless stream of fatloss/weightlifting/gym supplements online and at the stores…which…
Like many bloggers, we don’t write all our content in any one place, and over time our audience of readers changes and older content can get forgotten. With this in mind I spent some time this week looking through some…
YES One of the next most popular (and frustrating) questions besides “where do you get your protein?” we hear all the time goes something like “Do you have to combine foods at every meal for a complete protein?”. No. No…
I’ve been writing a lot about dietary protein lately! The research I did for my recent articles on it’s dangers and how much you really need to gain muscle got me to thinking about another issue – how much protein is…
The research behind my May article on the dangers of excess protein (and specifically Leucine) consumption really got me thinking, so over the past several weeks I’ve been researching different aspects of protein to see what else I might turn…
With our busy training schedule posting has been pretty difficult, so here’s a quick post on our sponsor. We were enjoying some delicious ice ‘cream’ on our last re-feed day before carbing up (2 weeks out!!), and I thought I’d…