Hey guys! It’s that time again… This year’s No Meat Athlete Plant-Based Heath & Fitness Bundle is the biggest ever with 46 meal-plans, cook books, and strength/fitness guides! It’s valued at over $2669.61, but for this weekend it’s just $95.…

Hey guys! It’s that time again… This year’s No Meat Athlete Plant-Based Heath & Fitness Bundle is the biggest ever with 46 meal-plans, cook books, and strength/fitness guides! It’s valued at over $2669.61, but for this weekend it’s just $95.…
Want to know the nuts and bolts of how vegan strength athletes eat?? Nick over at BarBend was a pleasure to speak with about plant-based nutrition and did a phenomenal job with this article and video. In it he goes…
This is a question that seems to keep coming up (at least in our news feed), so let’s discuss! Headlines just last week were all over the internet about a new cohort study from Tufts University which illustrated the…
Just in case anyone wasn’t sure on this point, they do. This myth came from the 1971 book Diet For a Small Planet by Francis Moore Lappe, who stated that plants are deficient in certain essential amino acids and therefore…
Hey y’all! Guess where protein comes from? I shot this off-the-cuff lecture about it, so have a look if you’re curious! It’s actually kind of embarrassing because I filmed this like a year ago and haven’t posted it until now,…
You decided to try out a vegan diet and see what all the hype is about, and for the first couple weeks it went fantastic. You were trying new foods, breaking bad habits and feeling more energetic. The you…
Big news! The newest plant-based nutrition documentary is about to hit theaters nationwide, and I’m proud to say that I have a small role in it, alongside many well known celebrities like James Cameron and Samuel L Jackson. Eating…
I recently had the pleasure of doing an interview with Jeff Morgan of Guilt Free TV alongside fellow vegan athletes Crissi Carvalho and Jon Venus. In it we went over some of our experience in the trenches as well as our…
I’m happy to share that I’ve joined Team Clean Machine as a sponsored athlete! Up to this point I’ve intentionally avoided endorsing any supplement companies, but I’ve made the decision to join this one for a couple of reasons:…
“If you follow popular nutrition trends, you may have heard of the phrase if it fits your macros (IIFYM) or similar terms such as macro tracking or flexible dieting. Contrary to virtually all other dietary fads out there, flexible dieting…
Like many bloggers, we don’t write all our content in any one place, and over time our audience of readers changes and older content can get forgotten. With this in mind I spent some time this week looking through some…
So you may have heard of flax seeds, and even that they’re really good for you, but do you know why you should be eating them? In addition to their high omega-3 fat content, flax seeds pack a nutritional…
We are very excited to be featured in Robert Cheeke’s brand new book Shred It! as contributors and examples of plant-based athletes! If you’ve read Robert’s previous book Vegan Bodybuilding & Fitness, you know just what a wealth of information…
I’m very pleased to go head-to-head to defend bodybuilding on a plant-based diet in this month’s issue of Men’s Fitness Magazine! In the article, the question of whether or not you need meat to build muscle is presented, and an…
YES One of the next most popular (and frustrating) questions besides “where do you get your protein?” we hear all the time goes something like “Do you have to combine foods at every meal for a complete protein?”. No. No…
As someone who’s been vegan for thirteen years, and who’s eaten a whole foods diet for half of that time, I never expected to deal with a chronic disease at my age (I’m 32). Yet, a few months after my…
I’ve been writing a lot about dietary protein lately! The research I did for my recent articles on it’s dangers and how much you really need to gain muscle got me to thinking about another issue – how much protein is…
The research behind my May article on the dangers of excess protein (and specifically Leucine) consumption really got me thinking, so over the past several weeks I’ve been researching different aspects of protein to see what else I might turn…
My long overdue article on vegan pregnancy and childhood is up! Building Vegan Bodies from Scratch: 3 Myths About Vegan Pregnancy and Raising Vegan Children Dispelled, Part 1 can be viewed at the website of our sponsor Vegan Bodybuilding & Fitness:…
Our preparation for the Naturally Fit Supershow in Austin TX is coming right along and we’re getting ready to enter the home stretch! As you can see from Marcella’s last post, we’ve been making excellent progress on a high carb…