Our outdoor training area at Root Force Personal Training is now operational! We are only offering limited sessions at first to ensure safety and work out any kinks, but it’s a-go! I know this only really applies to Richmond locals,…

Our outdoor training area at Root Force Personal Training is now operational! We are only offering limited sessions at first to ensure safety and work out any kinks, but it’s a-go! I know this only really applies to Richmond locals,…
Today’s workout target: hands and wrists! We’ve covered every major joint and muscle group in the body already, giving lots of simple stretches and exercises you can do at home with no equipment, but this is the first time I’m…
Alright this is an important one! Not that the others weren’t good too, but in this video I cover some simple ways to work the Glute Medius at home without equipment. If you want strong ankles, a healthy low…
Who wants some novel core exercises they can do at home?? In this episode of ‘Derek shows you tips and tricks while the gym’s empty’ I share a couple of my favorite core moves I’ve learned over the years, and…
Yes, we’re still closed for the time being, but luckily I’ve got a decent backlog of quick workout tips to share! I’ve been using movements like the ones I’ve been sharing while training clients virtually via Zoom, so you can…