3 Weeks ago my client and friend Todd Berry joined the ranks of competitive bodybuilders by competing in his first bodybuilding contest! Todd started working with me in January of this year and in only nine months he made an…
Tag: Bodybuilding
Contest Pics and Videos are In!!
After a few days of waiting by the mailbox, the pictures are finally here! With the immediate departure to Asheville after our return to Richmond the last two weeks have been pretty crazy! It’s good to be back now and…
Back Home After a Phenomenal Trip to Seattle!
We are now back in Richmond after having a fantastic time in the Pacific Northwest! We had a great time at my contest, hanging out with our friends, going to our old favorite restaurants, AND summer in the northwest is…
7 Days to Showtime!
The final week of contest prep is here! This Wednesday we will be flying to Seattle for my second bodybuilding show on Saturday and I can’t wait to see old and new friends and hit the stage! The final week…
4 Weeks From My Second Bodybuilding Contest!
On July 30th I will be competing in my second bodybuilding contest – the North American Natural Bodybuilding Federation (NANBF) Washington State Championship in Seattle Washington! That’s 4 weeks from now! After my first encounter with competing last month I’ve been as…
My First Contest!
Yesterday marked my first day as a competitive bodybuilder! The event was a lot of fun and I got to meet many people and spread the word that you CAN in fact build muscle on a plant based diet. Check…
6 Days Away from My First Contest!
I am definitely getting nervous now that my first time on stage is 6 days away. On top of my regular lifting regimen I’ve been practicing my posing mandatories and my personal posing routine (will post soon) once or…
Plants Vs. Animals: Bodybuilding Menus Compared
Just wanted to share an article I wrote recently for veganbodybuilding.com that compares standard and vegan bodybuilding diets and includes a sample whole foods bulking menu. Check it out here!
Awesome New Training Video!
As we’ve been upping our training intensity we’ve been filming our workouts. While we’ve been at this, Marcella’s been putting all the videos into an awesome video montage that is now complete in all it’s glory! Check it out!!
VegFest in Baltimore
It was fun: we met people from the forums, passed out info, got sunburnt…and decided to get a booth at this year’s Richmond Vegetarian Festival with some guest stars from veganbodybuilding.com. There will be mini-classes and demonstrations as per Javier…
Richmond’s local magazine just came out yesterday with their huge annual ” Best of Richmond 2011″ issue and this year WE were named: Richmond’s Buffest Vegans! Check it out!
Baltimore VegFest!
Check it: Derek and I are gonna be representing at the Veganbodybuilding.com booth at Baltimore VegFest this Saturday! Excited to meet others from the forums and excited to represent vegan bodybuilding (check out one of our sweet “team” shirts): And…
Derek’s Pre-Contest Program
My contest prep for my first actual show that’s in, I don’t know, 5 WEEKS, is pretty radically different from the prep you may remember from my photo shoot prep of last year. First of all, having just recently returned…
Bodybuilding Training Logs
Short post: I intend to post a high protein, low fat, low sugar cornbread that doubles as a polenta recipe tomorrow BUT for now: Just wanted to say that I’ve posted links to our workout logs on the sidebar at…
Grocery Shopping and a Week of Meals for Vegan Bodybuilders and the Dogs That Love Them
**UPDATE: How We Saved $7000 Annually on Our Plant Based Grocery Bill ** This post will either be really boring or really informative…Since two major roadblocks to eating less processed food that people cite are the cost and confusion about what…
A Little More on Marcella’s Program…
As you can see from Marcella’s routine below, she has been busy! Marcella’s program is based off a template she found in Muscle and Fitness Hers magazine, with some things changed or rearranged to better suit her needs. Her main…
Marcella’s Training Program and a Sprinkly Donut
I usually leave the workout postings to Derek because I feel like we’ve kind of staked out our respective blog territories: his posts are naturally training-oriented and mine are usually recipes. But, damnit, I’m a bodybuilder too! And now that…
Bodybuilding contest!
We went to a great contest last night hosted at Virginia State University! There was a good turnout in the crowd and some great posing routines on stage so it was a really good show. We went to cheer on a friend…
New Vegan Bodybuilding Articles!
Vegan Bodybuilding and Fitness has just totally redesigned their site and now feature several new articles of mine! Check out all the pics and read my handiwork at veganbodybuilding.com!
Our Plyometric Weekly Leg Workout
We decided to add a little variety to our twice a week leg program by making one of the workouts a plyometric day. Plyometrics are bodyweight exercises that involve a fast or explosive motion, such as jumping, and we decided…