Today’s workout target: hands and wrists! We’ve covered every major joint and muscle group in the body already, giving lots of simple stretches and exercises you can do at home with no equipment, but this is the first time I’m…
Tag: Workout
Plant-based workouts in the Time of Corona, June 16th
What’s one of the top struggles I hear from my older clients in terms of their daily activity? Getting up off the floor! If you’re in the under 40 crowd (or younger still) this may never cross your mind as…
Plant-based workouts in the Time of Corona, May 30th
I got a haircut – back at the end of May, and by Marcella – I still think it counts though! Today’s quarantine exercise tidbit is all about foot and ankle health. It pays to take care of your feet,…
Plant-based workouts in the Time of Corona, May 23rd
Back again! If you’ve followed along with this post series, then hopefully you got to try the glute medius exercises I shared and are well on your way to healthier hips, knees and ankles! If not, there’s still time! Today…
Plant-Based Workouts in the time of Corona, May 9th
Hey y’all! In this episode of ‘Things you can do to stay fit and sane at home!’ I go over some simple, and very satisfying, glenohumeral (shoulder joint) stretches. These movements pair very nicely with the upper spine mobility exercises…
Anatomy Of a Workout – Part III
by Forest Crosbie The first and second parts of this series detailed two of the three training days that make up my favorite training split, as well as why I choose to structure my workouts the way I do.…
Treat Fitness Like A Skill To Excel
Do you ever feel like you don’t know where you’re going in fitness, or that you’re just spinning your wheels? Maybe a new approach is in order, and you can jump start your motivation and progress by a simple shift…
Anatomy of a Workout, Part 1
by Forest Crosbie In the hierarchy of bodybuilding regimens there are a variety of tried and true training protocols, ranging from training one muscle group per day as in the classic “bro split,” to performing total-body workouts up to…
Simplify Your Weightloss – Part 1 – Resistance by Max Seabrook
I keep hearing all these complicated and different ways to lose weight. So I wanted to write this series of articles to help simplify what makes a successful weight-loss plan. Someone’s plan doesn’t need to be complicated to be…
The Sub-30-Minute Two Exercise Workout
Since the holiday season is upon us and most of you reading this are very pressed for time I wanted to share a trick I’ve used with myself and clients to get a grueling workout done in under 30 minutes.…
Getting Back in Shape – From New Mom to Female Bodybuilding Competitor?!?
Workout and excerpt from our meal plan included in this post! I last posted on my progress here. Having just become the mother of this adorable little nugget I really could not imagine bringing the intensity of days past to…
Getting Back in Shape – Losing the Baby Fat
By the time I had my son Miles at 41.5 weeks, I’d gained about 33 pounds, bringing me up to 150 lbs from my pre-baby 117. By then I was freakin’ huge, bigger even than in this shot taken at 39…
My Mid-to-Late Pregnancy Routine
A typical week, with days bolded, looks like this: Legs 20 minutes incline treadmill or elliptical Deep Body-weight squats, 3-4 sets x 20 reps Leg Extension 3-4 x 12-15 SUPERSET WITH (45 lbs) Seated Leg Curl 3-4 x 12-15 (45)…
Bodybuilding Training Logs
Short post: I intend to post a high protein, low fat, low sugar cornbread that doubles as a polenta recipe tomorrow BUT for now: Just wanted to say that I’ve posted links to our workout logs on the sidebar at…
Marcella’s Training Program and a Sprinkly Donut
I usually leave the workout postings to Derek because I feel like we’ve kind of staked out our respective blog territories: his posts are naturally training-oriented and mine are usually recipes. But, damnit, I’m a bodybuilder too! And now that…
Our Plyometric Weekly Leg Workout
We decided to add a little variety to our twice a week leg program by making one of the workouts a plyometric day. Plyometrics are bodyweight exercises that involve a fast or explosive motion, such as jumping, and we decided…
Workouts at Sea – Derek
Now that I’ve had a week on the ground to catch up, I’ll go over my improvised workouts while on the ship. “Improvised” because the spacious fitness center on board had ample cardio equipment and floor space, but only about 8…
Building More Muscle – Derek
Preparation for our contest is underway! My goal at this stage is simple : gain weight. As much muscle as possible of course, but I want to number on the scale to go up. Routine wise, it was back to…
12 Week Champions!
I want to take the time to give a belated congratulations to my Gold’s Gym 12 Week Challenge winners Michael Stewart, Jeff Kroll, and Steve Zivich! That’s right; this year not one or two but three of my clients won…
Marcella Shoot Prep, Phase 3
The final pictures are coming in today, so without further delay I want to go into Marcella’s final phase of photo shoot preparation! To recap a little: after Marcella’s Phase 1 routine she was losing body fat quickly, but also…