Or give you cancer, or turn you into a woman (guys), or cause deficiencies, etc etc. Following up on last month’s meme (you gotta see it!) with this one. Unless you are allergic, soy is completely fine. Seriously!
Soy is a bean like any other, except that it has more than average protein, fat, and phytoestrogens. Noticed how I said that. Other plants have them too, yet for some reason no one is talking about them. There’s also the fact that the estrogen in soy acts more weakly than our own endogenous estrogens, and it competitively inhibits ours by binding to the same receptor – in essence lowering our internal estrogen supply, not raising it.
AND, let’s look at the relative amount of estrogen in soy versus say, cow’s milk. As it turns out, since dairy cows are milked while they’re pregnant, cow’s milk has magnitudes more estrogen per serving than soy, and it’s BOVINE estrogen! Now at a guess, which do you think will have a more robust impact on your body, plant estrogen or bovine estrogen?
As you might have guessed, this is why regular soy consumption is associated with lower rates of virtually every chronic disease, and especially reproductive cancers like breast and prostate cancer. It’s that pesky phytoestrogen. So the next time you read a fear mongering article about soy you can laugh about it over a delicious bowl of Sofritas from Chipotle 😉 .

A great post on Soy. This has Cleared the myth that most of the man have for Soy products.
Thanks for sharing the Blog.
Thanks for reading!