One of the next most popular (and frustrating) questions besides “where do you get your protein?” we hear all the time goes something like “Do you have to combine foods at every meal for a complete protein?”. No. No we don’t. And I guarantee you all our ancestors never worried about the source, quality, color, shape, or favorite album of their protein sources either – and they did just fine. Plants are complete proteins, so you can go ahead and eat abundantly form any whole plant food source you like and you’ll never ever have to worry about being deficient in a given amino acid. In fact, the only incomplete protein found in nature is gelatin – an animal protein!
So where did this prevalent misconception come from, and why do so many people (even some vegans) still believe it to be true? I cover that information, as well as some of the most concentrated essential amino acid sources in the plant kingdom in my latest article on Follow the link below to check it out, and let me know what you think. Hopefully we can help share this information and dispel this misconception!
Are Plant Proteins ‘Complete’?

Seems pretty clear to me. Succinct enough even a meat eater should get it.