Our outdoor training area at Root Force Personal Training is now operational! We are only offering limited sessions at first to ensure safety and work out any kinks, but it’s a-go! I know this only really applies to Richmond locals, but I’m excited! MarRay and I are happy to get back to work in a non virtual setting, and for the rest of you we’re still here and happy to get you moving with some streaming workouts or custom plans, just say the word!
I got to film another short home workout demo for you guys, and this time it’s on…. balance! Boring as it might seem to some of you (I know it always did to me before), balance training is actually an incredibly effective way to improve performance in just about every activity. It you have weak feet/ankles, how do you expect to be able to run fast, jump high, or lift something heavy? Foundation has to come first. In this video I give you three simple at-home options for working on improving your balance strength and endurance. Give them a shot and let me know what you think!