Who wants some novel core exercises they can do at home?? In this episode of ‘Derek shows you tips and tricks while the gym’s empty’ I share a couple of my favorite core moves I’ve learned over the years, and…

Who wants some novel core exercises they can do at home?? In this episode of ‘Derek shows you tips and tricks while the gym’s empty’ I share a couple of my favorite core moves I’ve learned over the years, and…
Hey y’all! Another day, another workout. For this video I share three stretches you can do to mobilize your T-spine (ie stretch your upper back to improve posture). I don’t know about you guys, but we’re doing markedly more…
Yes, we’re still closed for the time being, but luckily I’ve got a decent backlog of quick workout tips to share! I’ve been using movements like the ones I’ve been sharing while training clients virtually via Zoom, so you can…
As mentioned in our last post, Root Force Personal Training is currently closed due to COVID-19. I’ve been posting some short workout videos from our *empty* gym, as well as training clients virtually via Zoom. If you’re interested in virtual…
Our gym, Root Force Personal Training, is closed due to COVID-19. We actually shut down ahead of stay at home orders, because we have common sense and older clients. Derek has been posting some short workout videos from our *empty*…
I call them “air” donuts since they are cake-like and a vehicle for toppings so they satisfy that donut craving…but with no fat or sugar. The key ingredients? Club soda and erythritol sweetener. Erythritol is a zero-calorie sugar alcohol based…
According to new research from Oxford and Yale, physical activity has a greater impact on your mental health than your economic status! I think this is an intuitive result (at least for anyone working in the fitness industry), but it’s…
If you haven’t seen any of their work, Switch4Good is a platform for athletes advocating against dairy for health and performance. They feature world class athletes, produce excellent, well informed content, and have a great podcast; which I was…
Last month Max, Forest and I were privileged to be interviewed by David Yastremsky of Vegan Wear, the cruelty-free men’s wear company. Our discussion was pretty broad so we actually released it as two posts on the Vegan Wear…
This is a question that seems to keep coming up (at least in our news feed), so let’s discuss! Headlines just last week were all over the internet about a new cohort study from Tufts University which illustrated the…
Just in case anyone wasn’t sure on this point, they do. This myth came from the 1971 book Diet For a Small Planet by Francis Moore Lappe, who stated that plants are deficient in certain essential amino acids and therefore…
Or give you cancer, or turn you into a woman (guys), or cause deficiencies, etc etc. Following up on last month’s meme (you gotta see it!) with this one. Unless you are allergic, soy is completely fine. Seriously! Soy is…
Hey y’all! Guess where protein comes from? I shot this off-the-cuff lecture about it, so have a look if you’re curious! It’s actually kind of embarrassing because I filmed this like a year ago and haven’t posted it until now,…
You decided to try out a vegan diet and see what all the hype is about, and for the first couple weeks it went fantastic. You were trying new foods, breaking bad habits and feeling more energetic. The you…
I think everyone can agree that warm ups are one of the most tedious parts of working out. You’ve gotten to the gym and you’re ready to get to work then get on with your life, not spend 20…
A long time client and friend had a wedding this weekend, and in addition to tearing up the dance floor 😀 we had the rare chance to dress up – except if you look closely you’ll notice we both…
We’ve been eating oatmeal for breakfast for over a decade, and we’re not bored yet! Not only are there a bunch of options to choose from for the grain itself (quick oats, rolled oats, thick rolled oats, steel cut, oat…
Plant-based bodybuilder –> Plant-based figure competitor, to be exact! Kalie’s experience: She went vegan, reduced her protein intake, and ate a moderately high carbohydrate diet and still kept her strength, muscle mass and lost fat She mentioned that compared to…
Welcome to the details behind my earlier post: How We Saved 7000 Annually on Our Plant-Based Grocery Bill! In that post, I talked about the year we spent tracking our plant-based groceries and how we’ve figured out which stores and strategies…
Muscle Tea – our daily recovery beverage! – Green Tea Hibiscus blend from Traditional Medicinals ✅✅ – Ginger ✅ – Cayenne ✅ – Juice from 1/4 lemon ✅ – 1 serving Clean Machine Fruit Punch Clean BCAAs We’ve posted…