For lunch we went to go to Cous Cous, and incidentally, if you live in RVA and get a Val-Pak in your mailbox every month, there will always be a buy-one-get-one-free coupon in there for this place. They have delicious tea, and Moroccan food, which is also delicious.
We each got salads with sauteed wild mushrooms and pine nuts (amazing).
They have “familia meze” dishes for sharing, pretty much like tapas, and there are a goodly amount of options that are nothing but vegetables and protein!
Derek had a luscious (but too rich for me to order) Moroccan pot pie stuffed with tofu, nuts, apricots, and vegetables and I got portabella caps stuffed with tofu and sweet bell pepper and basil. Damn, they were tasty. We also ordered lentil soup because I was afraid I’d still be hungry with just stuffed mushrooms and a salad, but again I underestimated the food and was really full. When will I learn? I’m thinking of hosting our farewell party for the summer interns here, partly because it’s awesome, and partly as revenge against all the Cheesecake Factory devotees who mock my “weird” diet.
I swear one of these days at work, when someone does that and waxes on about protein and how can I get enough, etc…I’m going to roll up my shirtsleeve, glance at my flexed bicep, reach over and gingerly feel their sure-to-be underdeveloped arm…clear my throat and say “SO anyway, as you were saying?”
No, I would never do that…the absurdity of it all just makes me laugh.
So, for dinner…yes I really did just make fajitas again. It’s what Derek wanted, but I did veto his choice of black beans in favor of pinto beans.
I sliced up bell peppers, zucchini, and mushrooms and salted them just a bit and peppered them, and cooked the beans with minced onion and garlic and secret hobo spices.
Actually, not really, just cumin and garlic powder.
I also steamed vegetables…
It must be my Hispanic background or something, but I could eat these every day.
It was another shoulder day and no clean and press, what was I thinking? I also feel like I forgot a superset in there somewhere…oh well. Still a pretty “gnarly” workout as Derek would say.

The fajitas look terrific. After having a session with Derek today at Gold's I think I can get back on track.
Hey, some great info. And inspiriation. Thanks for the great session at Gold's today. Really feel a lot better. Also more secure in what I was doing. Off to the market now. Get a few more veggies and fruit.
You can see some of the stained glass I was telling you about at my blog spot (