It has long been discussed in the fitness community that eating extra protein can help you build more muscle mass. In fact, new articles seem to come out every month in the muscle magazines on the best protein sources you can eat to stimulate mTOR (the biochemical pathway leading to muscle synthesis). This process is primarily stimulated by the branched chain amino acid L-Leucine, and it’s no surprise that taking in more Leucine can elicit greater muscle gains given the same amount of exercise and other variables. Animal proteins naturally contain higher concentrations of Leucine than plant proteins, so vegan athletes might be expected to need more total dietary protein than omnivorous counterparts to maximize their muscle gains (as I discuss in this older post). While I’ll be the first to argue that a plant-based diet is superior in any sport, including bodybuilding, in terms of amino acids animal protein does have this ‘advantage’. But, is it really an advantage? In my latest article for Vegan Bodybuilding & Fitness, I discuss a new study that shows a possible danger of eating too much Leucine, and points out yet another potential reason a whole foods plant-based diet is superior to an omnivorous one, or to a very high protein bodybuilding diet. Check it out by following the link below!
Dietary Protein: Good for Muscle Gains; Bad for Longevity?