Hello and happy February! To start the month off right I thought I’d finally get Dr. Campbell’s last Principles of Nutrition up, so thank you for your patience! To recap on where we left off, just check the first two…
Category: Nutrition
Principles of Nutrition Part 2 – Derek
I hope everyone out there is still voting. Only 10 days to go! Thank you all again for the support! To continue with Dr. Campbell’s Principles of Nutrition as outlined in my most recent certification, I will give a brief…
BodySpace Spokesmodel Contest, and Principles of Nutrition – Derek
I have recently entered a competition through bodybuilding.com for a chance to become the BodySpace Spokesmodel of 2011! If I win I will get a chance to be on the cover of Iron Man Magazine and attend the Arnold Classic…
Injury, and Plant-Based Nutrition – Derek
I am writing once again after a rather extended break. As my last post suggested, I experienced several injuries after my last extended bout of High Intensity Training. One of these injuries has proved troublesome, so I have decided to…
12 Week Champions!
I want to take the time to give a belated congratulations to my Gold’s Gym 12 Week Challenge winners Michael Stewart, Jeff Kroll, and Steve Zivich! That’s right; this year not one or two but three of my clients won…
Marcella Shoot Prep, Phase 3
The final pictures are coming in today, so without further delay I want to go into Marcella’s final phase of photo shoot preparation! To recap a little: after Marcella’s Phase 1 routine she was losing body fat quickly, but also…
Derek’s Photo Shoot Prep Phase 3 – Derek
ANNOUNCEMENT: The final pictures will be released and posted shortly thereafter this Tuesday 5/18 so stay tuned! In the meantime I will describe Marcella and my 3rd phase of prep for that big day, starting with mine. After my Phase…
Marcella Shoot Prep, Phase 2 – Derek
Great News! The final edited shots are starting to come in (behold one above), so I will be able to post them in all their glory soon. In the meantime, I’d like to continue with our shoot prep work. Marcella’s…
A Plant-Based Ingredient to Aviod – Derek
Before continuing on our photo prep plan, I wanted to do a quick post on an interesting article Marcella recently pointed out to me. I have mentioned to many of you who see me regularly that plant-based doesn’t always equal…
Diet Planner Updated – Marcella
Quick note: I added some drop-down menus to the diet planner to make it much easier to use. But…that functionality is not available in Google spreadsheets, so here’s a new link to download (I updated in the earlier post also):…
Diet Planning Worksheet!!
Here it is: a simple, interactive diet worksheet I built in Microsoft Excel to help us reach our respective fitness goals, and that we’re now sharing with you as a proven success! How we did it: Derek gathered info about…
The Greatest Grain – Derek
Our March photo shoot approaches this Sunday, and before I finally post the plan we have been following I wanted to share some background information on one of our current food staples. Many of you that see me regularly have…
Another Reason to Eat Your Produce – Derek
An interesting article was recently brought to my attention by my good friend and client, Jeff Kroll of Crossroads Coffee . Having worked with me for several months, Jeff knows the benefits of a whole foods, plant based diet. For…
Eating Healthy On The Go – Derek
While going through food journals one of the comments I make most is “add a meal/snack here”. Many people are busy and find it hard to get a solid meal or snack in every 3-4 hours. Many more are used…
A Note on Grains – Derek
I wanted to write a little on nutrition since I haven’t in a while. I thought I’d address a question I get a lot when I am helping people with their food choices, which is: why are carbs (grains) ‘bad’?…
The Wonders of Phytochemicals! – Derek
I’ve wanted to post something about this for a while, so I finally went through several of my old exercise magazines and clipped out some nutrition articles. For those of you who read such magazines with any regularity, you probably…
Vegan Weight Gainer revision, and more
As I had mentioned I’ve been playing around with the weight gainer shake we made up to aid in my calorie surplus. Through trial and error I have whittled away some unnecessary ingredients to make it easier to make and/or…
Several recipes after a drought
I’m woefully behind on posting recipes and workouts. What can I say – finance exam über alles… I’m actually going to list several recipes at once here to help me catch up. Ah, and, incidentally, I’ve lost 8 lbs now…
Ranting about Recipes and Some…Recipes
I should probably mention that most of the recipes I post are just modifications of things I’ve always made or from cookbooks or websites that may or may not even be vegan to start with. Some recipes lend themselves easily…
Weights, Nutrition, and Beer
The past week has been rather crazy. With school winding down, finding time to post has proven difficult. The same goes for working out, so my last ‘official’ workout was a chest+back day (shown below), and what has followed since…