Mushrooms have been high on the nutrition trends list for a while now. I remember prior to 2015 it seemed like mushrooms were some kind of empty calorie topping you might put on your pizza, but fast forward to today…

Mushrooms have been high on the nutrition trends list for a while now. I remember prior to 2015 it seemed like mushrooms were some kind of empty calorie topping you might put on your pizza, but fast forward to today…
Want to know the nuts and bolts of how vegan strength athletes eat?? Nick over at BarBend was a pleasure to speak with about plant-based nutrition and did a phenomenal job with this article and video. In it he goes…
Or give you cancer, or turn you into a woman (guys), or cause deficiencies, etc etc. Following up on last month’s meme (you gotta see it!) with this one. Unless you are allergic, soy is completely fine. Seriously! Soy is…
Hey y’all! Guess where protein comes from? I shot this off-the-cuff lecture about it, so have a look if you’re curious! It’s actually kind of embarrassing because I filmed this like a year ago and haven’t posted it until now,…
by Forest Crosbie Today I want to share with you one of my favorite recipes for preparing tofu, which is a staple that I eat almost every day – especially during competition prep. Tofu is a great source of plant…
Well. it’s not really a recipe – rather a guide, because it’s so simple. And fortunately, someone else did most of the work to uncover the mystery of the Chipotle sofritas sauce – I just tweaked it a bit to…
As a vegan physique athlete I get asked a lot about the soy products in my diet. It’s high in protein, moderate amount of fat and low in carbs. So a lot of vegan athletes will utilize these macronutrients to…
An easy alternative to faux ground beef and TVP, lentils (especially French lentils) make a great taco filling! I like to use this recipe for double-decker tacos, spreading mashed pinto beans or low-fat vegetarian refried beans on some whole…
Another Thanksgiving…another chance to try out a bunch of delicious holiday recipes! This was our menu: Squash, Corn, and Quinoa Chowder (see Greens & Grains on the Deep Blue Sea) Whole Wheat & Spelt Herb Biscuits (see Vegan Brunch) Mashed…
Today was our first Plant-Based Potluck! I made Lentil loaf Mashed cauliflower/millet (stand-in for mashed potatoes!) Creamy golden gravy Kale with walnut sauce Green goddess dressing Raw chocolate walnut brownies Others brought: Fruit trays Salad Fresh local lima beans and…
This is one of my go-to protein sources for all sorts of recipes: Slice it into slabs, add spices, and use as a tofu “steak” side or in a sandwich. Slice it into thinner strips and use it on salads,…
Yet another (modified) recipe from my favorite vegan brunch cookbook: Italian sausage. Yes, there’s all kinds of commercial vegan sausage out there and it’s delicious, but they do tend to have a lot of fat and sodium. Here, you can…
This is really good. You can find green curry paste in the “Asian” or “International” section of the grocery store…I used some from Whole Foods. The shiitake was actually home grown, from a kit we got as a Xmas gift,…
Here’s some of our versions of the bodybuilding-style meal that, in the meat-eating world of Flex and Muscle & Fitness and so on, is the ubiquitous chicken, brown rice, and token green vegetable. Every day for lunch we eat one…
First off let me just say that the nutrition stats for seitan, like TVP, are great for anyone trying to get lots of protein with no fat and low sodium. It’s made primarily from Vital Wheat Gluten, which has 23…
Derek’s birthday put some posting on hold (what an attention hog!) but here’s some catchup stuff: Lunch was leftovers with a *special* salad with hearts of palm and also edamame. Usually there are no leftovers when Derek’s around… Anyway, there’s…
For lunch we had yesterday’s leftovers – surprisingly, 1 can of beans, 2 bell peppers, 1/2 onion makes enough filling for 3 people for 2 days of wraps, especially if you have some avocado and salsa also. I say three…
Lunch: 1/2 a whole wheat pita stuffed with spinach and lamb’s lettuce, shredded carrot, and 2 pieces of tofurkey lunchmeat. I usually add some avocado slices, but we’d just had some last night. Topped with a small amount of tasty…