Hey guys! It’s that time again… This year’s No Meat Athlete Plant-Based Heath & Fitness Bundle is the biggest ever with 46 meal-plans, cook books, and strength/fitness guides! It’s valued at over $2669.61, but for this weekend it’s just $95.…

Hey guys! It’s that time again… This year’s No Meat Athlete Plant-Based Heath & Fitness Bundle is the biggest ever with 46 meal-plans, cook books, and strength/fitness guides! It’s valued at over $2669.61, but for this weekend it’s just $95.…
Or give you cancer, or turn you into a woman (guys), or cause deficiencies, etc etc. Following up on last month’s meme (you gotta see it!) with this one. Unless you are allergic, soy is completely fine. Seriously! Soy is…
by Forest Crosbie Today I want to share with you one of my favorite recipes for preparing tofu, which is a staple that I eat almost every day – especially during competition prep. Tofu is a great source of plant…
Pie crust, although delicious, is often what turns an otherwise healthy fruit pie into a gut bomb of fat. This is the most recent update to a pumpkin pie recipe I’ve been sharing here for years – so far, it’s…
One morning we were out of oats and just about everything else that I could make breakfast out of. There was, however, half of a pre-baked sweet potato in the fridge and a frozen banana that I could defrost…and some…