The 2020 No Meat Athlete Bundle is Here!

Hey guys! It’s that time again… This year’s No Meat Athlete Plant-Based Heath & Fitness Bundle is the biggest ever with 46 meal-plans, cook books, and strength/fitness guides! It’s valued at over $2669.61, but for this weekend it’s just $95.…

Plant-based Nutrition – BarBend Interview!

Want to know the nuts and bolts of how vegan strength athletes eat?? Nick over at BarBend was a pleasure to speak with about plant-based nutrition and did a phenomenal job with this article and video. In it he goes…

Derek’s 2017 Vegan Bodybuilding Contest Results!

It’s been a crazy season! Not only have we had our busiest travel season to date, I’ve also competed in 3 bodybuilding contests between June and September this year (more than I ever have in the past), which also means…

One Week Out From Plantbuilt 2017 Meetup at the Naturally Fit Games!

Yes I know, we’ve been terrible about posting progress updates – sorry! We’ve been posting more often on our Intagram (@veganmuscleandfitness) and Youtube feeds, but for some reason haven’t kept up as much with blogging. We are now ONE week…

My Pro Debut at the WNBF Pro Universe!

We’ve just returned from a trip to Manhattan NY where I competed in my debut Pro Men’s Physique Contest! It was a short and busy trip, and there was stiff competition so I’m very happy to share that I placed…

6 Weeks Out From My Pro Debut at the WNBF Pro Universe!

It’s been a long time since I’ve shared a progress update! I’ve been training consistently, but my training has changed dramatically over the last 6 months. Ever since shortly after my Men’s Bodybuilding victory in 2013 with Team Plantbuilt I’ve had…