Preparation for our contest is underway! My goal at this stage is simple : gain weight. As much muscle as possible of course, but I want to number on the scale to go up.
Routine wise, it was back to the total body heavy weight training. Being the creative person I am I tried to alter/improve on the previous routine and this is what I came up with.
There are 3 variables I employ with a weight gain routine such as this: Frequency, Volume, and Intensity.
- Frequency refers to how often you work a muscle group in a given week
- Volume refers to how many sets and reps you do for a muscle group per workout
- Intensity, in this case, refers to how much weight you use relative to the maximum amount of weight you are capable of using.
When training to gain weight, I increase the frequency of my training to nearly everyday for most muscle groups, and I follow a High intensity program (low volume and as much weight as possible). I increased the volume slightly for this routine compared to my last total body one
which improved my results, and caused problems I will mention below.
Traditional High Intensity programs follow low volume AND low frequency, but I have found my method to work very well for me. I also make the adjustment of training total body every workout rather than separating muscle groups because the more muscle you stimulate in a single workout, the greater your Growth Hormone and Testosterone release will be. (These are natural steroids your body makes in response to training).
mixing High Intensity training with high frequency is a recipe for injury. The reason volume and frequency are normally kept low is to allow not only your muscles but your joints enough time to fully heal. I tend to recover quickly so I push the limit on these variables, and by the fifth week on this program tendinitis began to plague me in several joints.
The Lesson Here: If you want to gain muscle, a program like the one I’ve listed may work wonders for you. Just be careful and pay very close attention to your form and how your body feels. If anything hurts, back off. I would not recommend following a program like this for any more than 4 weeks at a time.
P.S. Eat your Beans & Greens!
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Derek, Im 2 weeks into vegan diet doing very well with the help of your diet/info (thanx) Im taking a week off from training in prep for your full body workout program. Im hoping you could post a more current routine including exercises also more videos would be great. Thanx again BT
I used to bodybuild over a decade ago but am having trouble keeping my muscle after becomming a vegan. I did well on a HIT type of program in the past when eating animal based protein. I am interested in trying the workout you posted. Can you elaborate on sets and reps as well as if you employ drops, rest pause or other intensity methods? Thank you for posting so much information on your contest prep.
Hi Peter,
Thanks, we're happy to help! Animal foods are more anabolic than plant foods (which is one of the reasons they cause so many health problems). So you have to make sure you are very consistent with your diet and eat plenty of calories. In most of my workouts I do 3-4 sets of 8-12 reps as heavy as I can, and I almost always go past failure with intensity techniques like drop sets and rests on the last set or two. I've also been including a final FST-7 exercise on about half of my workouts lately to make sure I get a full pump in the target muscle. I hope this helps!
Hey Derek,
I have no idea how to reach you so I thought maybe here would be a good spot, it relates to my question too!
Im 21, I have been a vegetarian all my life. Born and raised in an awesome, spiritual family with a father all about health and fitness. Hes 50 and in AWESOME shape, most of my female friends hit on him any chance they get...its pretty funny.
So I have a great foundation, and awesome support. I have no time issues and have all day to workout, but i seek your humble guidance.
I am 5'9, 160 pounds. Ive been working out for a solid 3-4 years...not that numbers help but just in-case they can help you paint a picture I have decent numbers in the basics....
Im comfortable with
Bench: 195
Deadlift: 295
Squat: 225
so i think im doing decent! But heres the problem...
I CANT GAIN good heavy muscle weight. IM TIRED of my friends saying, "dude ur the one guy i know that works the hardest in the gym but i see now crazy gains or big muscles"!!
It kills me, i mean i have FINALLY started to see progress but not as great as MOST would think, or i would like.
I need your direction...please direct me towards the right place on your site to help me gain GOOD weight. My GOAL is to be 180 and 8-9% body fat at most.
Im young, i have time, i want to change dramatically, and inspire those around me to persue a vegan or vegetarian lifestyle!
I live in NY so meeting you one day to show you progress is on my list of things to do before i kick it haha.
Look forward to being another inspiring story like to you soon!