The aforementioned pictures of my very first bodybuilding shoot have arrived. Check them out (here). Please remember that despite all the practicing, I am far from a master at posing technique yet. That shoot was a great chance for me to practice dieting and exercise techniques on myself, rather than as I usually do on my clients : ). It was a valuable learning experience to say the least, and as Marcella and I prepare for the next one this March I have a refined game plan that will hopefully get both of us into even better shape.
For those who are interested, I will soon be posting our exercise strategies, routines, and diet strategies as we prepare. While likely few readers have a physique photo shoot as their upcoming goal, our plans will hopefully be helpful to those both looking to gain muscle and/or lose bodyfat. And speaking of physique photos, it may also prove useful for any readers that are participating in this years’ 12 Week Challenge. To you and everyone else, good luck, work hard, and keep eating your produce!