Baltimore VegFest!

Check it: Derek and I are gonna be representing at the Veganbodybuilding.com booth at Baltimore VegFest this Saturday! Excited to meet others from the forums and excited to represent vegan bodybuilding (check out one of our sweet “team” shirts):

Thanks Robert Cheeke - you rock! Get one at veganessentials.com!

And this is just the beginning! We have our Planeat screening coming up next month, with similar events on the horizon…And I’m going to start hosting maybe bi-weekly or monthly cooking class/tasting menus at our home (not for a fee – probably a suggested donation so I can buy all the food!) I’m not a chef by any means and I guess that’s kind of my point by doing it – to demonstrate how easy it is to make healthy, plant-centered meals, how to substitute ingredients for the standard animal versions of dishes…And, having no experience in these sorts of public exhibitions of cooking skill – who knows what kinds of hilarious high jinks will ensue? It could double as a comedy hour. So you’ll be hearing more from me about these things plus more veganbodybuilding.com events in the future!

Community is the key, I think, to changing people’s eating habits. That was essentially Dr. Campbell’s call to action at his final lecture that we attended, on the lobbyist-influenced government policies and commercial interests that serve as our “standards of nutrition” today. He’d spent decades of his life, as a nutritional biochemist, attempting to effect change from the top down by serving on all kinds of illustrious government boards – and you could hear the frustration in his voice as he described the fruits of that labor! Now with his son, who became a medical doctor in order to do this, they’re bringing it to the grassroots level and simply taking sick people and making them well with a plant-based diet. Do this enough, and create a legion of fit, healthy people who got that way through adopting a plant-based diet, and let them all see for themselves and make their choice. Not to mention all the documentaries like Forks Over Knives, Planeat, and Got the Facts on Milk? now flooding movie screens across the country. Brilliant!

Exactly what we want to be a part of, and Derek told him so.



