All Plants Have Complete Protein

Just in case anyone wasn’t sure on this point, they do. This myth came from the 1971 book Diet For…


Soy Won’t Kill You

Or give you cancer, or turn you into a woman (guys), or cause deficiencies, etc etc. Following up on last…


Where Does Protein Come From?

Hey y'all! Guess where protein comes from? I shot this off-the-cuff lecture about it, so have a look if you're…


Why Vegan Diets Fail

  You decided to try out a vegan diet and see what all the hype is about, and for the…


4 Tips to Step Up Your Warm Up

  I think everyone can agree that warm ups are one of the most tedious parts of working out. You've…


Vegan Wedding!

  A long time client and friend had a wedding this weekend, and in addition to tearing up the dance…


Portable Oatmeal: Easy Plant-Based Breakfast for Busy Days

We've been eating oatmeal for breakfast for over a decade, and we're not bored yet! Not only are there a…


Another Plant-Based Bodybuilder is Born

Plant-based bodybuilder --> Plant-based figure competitor, to be exact! Kalie's experience: She went vegan, reduced her protein intake, and ate…


Plant-Based Groceries Made Cheap and Easy

Welcome to the details behind my earlier post: How We Saved 7000 Annually on Our Plant-Based Grocery Bill! In that post,…


Muscle Tea

  Muscle Tea - our daily recovery beverage! - Green Tea Hibiscus blend from Traditional Medicinals ✅✅ - Ginger ✅…
