Want to kickstart your nutrition and fitness goals on a plant-based diet but not sure where to begin?
You’re not alone in feeling overwhelmed! We’ve worked with hundreds of online and in-person clients who are looking for a coach to help them get moving in the right direction, without a long-term commitment or a big investment.
What makes us different from other coaches offering plant-based personal training?
- Our focus is on whole foods – yes, even if your goal is to build muscle.
- Our plans are truly custom. That means we consider preferences, allergies, and medical conditions. You will not get “tofu/fake meat with a side of steamed broccoli” meal plans from us, for example! Well, unless that’s your preference…
- Our credentials and backgrounds. Among us we have multiple personal training and plant-based nutrition certifications, a medical degree and a PhD both nearing completion, Bachelors and Masters degrees focusing on human biology, published original research in nutrition and exercise, and a whole lot of in-person experience working with clients of all ages. Not just aspiring bodybuilders (although we’ve coached plenty of those, too – you might say we wrote the book on it). In fact, Derek is certified in corrective exercise, so we have a focus on body maintenance and injury prevention as well!
We offer a lot of free information for those who are motivated, but if you want some extra accountability and a sound grounding in the principles of plant-based nutrition and fitness before striking out on your own, we offer the following options:
- Custom Meal Plans
- Custom Workout Plans
- Custom Meal + Workout Plans
- 1 Hour Skype Coaching Session to Set Your Goal
- 12 Weeks to Your Goal
Details for each option are below!

Custom Meal Plan + One Hour Skype Coaching Session
Your meal plan will be custom designed for you, based on your responses to our questionnaire. It includes consideration of your food allergies and preferences and for your busy life. Our menus are always designed to be simple with easy-to-find and inexpensive ingredients. Please note that the meal plan will be 100% plant-based and will be primarily composed of whole foods except that we will include meat analogues for those transitioning from a meat-heavy diet, if requested.And, unlike most diet plans you can find on the internet, we’re ready to work with you face to face for the best possible start. During our one-hour Skype session, we’ll go over some general plant-based nutrition guidelines in addition to reviewing your meal plan with you. If there’s time and you’re game, we’ll even go over a food journal or two and make recommendations for improvement – something we do weekly for ongoing clients to keep them on track. This price for this service includes the hours required to create your custom plan and the time for us to meet for one-on-one coaching.
What You Get:
A written plan that includes:
- Three days of menus with preparation instructions
- Recommended macronutrient intakes for your goal
- A guide to creating more custom menus that fit your requirements
A one-hour coaching session via Skype that includes:
- An overview of your custom plan
- Our general plant-based nutrition guidelines
- Food journal review with change recommendations, (time permitting)
Price: $180.00

Custom Workout Plan + One Hour Skype Coaching Session
What You Get:
- A custom free-weight or body-weight routine that includes 1 full week, with instructions
- A custom cardiovascular exercise routine that includes 1 full week, with instructions
- A guide to leveling up the workouts over time so that you keep seeing progress
- A one-hour coaching session via Skype that includes an overview of your custom routine
Price: $165
Note: After purchase you will be redirected to our Google intake form.
Custom Meal Plan + Custom Workout Plan + One Hour Skype Coaching Session
What You Get:
- Three days of menus with preparation instructions
- Recommended macronutrient intakes for your goal
- A guide to creating more custom menus that fit your requirements
- A custom free-weight or body-weight routine that includes 1 full week, with instructions
- A custom cardiovascular exercise routine that includes 1 full week, with instructions
- A guide to leveling up the workouts over time so that you keep seeing progress
A one-hour coaching session via Skype that includes:
- An overview of your custom meal plan
- Our general plant-based nutrition guidelines
- An overview of your custom workout routine
Price: $290
12 Weeks to Meet Your Goal
What you get:
- General nutrition guidelines
- Recommended macronutrient intakes for your goal
- Three days of sample menus with preparation instructions
- A guide to creating custom menus that fit your requirements
A custom weight-training routine that will be updated as you progress through the program
A custom cardiovascular exercise routine that will be updated as you progress through the program
12 weekly 1 hour coaching sessions that include:
- Ongoing food journal reviews and dietary recommendations
- Assessment of progress (by a variety of measures, definitely not just weigh-ins!)Adjustments to the program as needed to hit your target
- Review of proper form and technique for any exercises in the routine that are new to you or require explanation

One Hour Skype Coaching Session
In-Person Personal Training
If you’re located near Richmond, Virginia in the US, check out our personal training studio!
Hello! Can you share details need a bit of clarity on this.?
Hey bud sent you a message on Instagram can’t find any other contact information
I just want someone to give me a 10min check-up every few days, maybe by phone or Skype, to check on my (weight loss) routine and progress e.g. ticking exercise routine, ticking eating routine, ticking stress relief routine. I find some encouragement and accountability helps especially with some coaching and advice. I’m not really into other people’s plans though…
Do you guys have an idea of when a spot will open up for contest prep?
I’m interested in the meal plan/workout program but before I purchase I have a question….. I’m still nursing my son (who is 15 months) and plan to continue until he is 2. I only nurse part time but I’m interested to know if a plan could be created for me to help me lose fat and gain muscle? I’m currently working out 6 days a week (for the past 5 weeks) and I’ve been doing two 30 minute workouts a day (T-25 workout & HIIT sprints w/ a little wight lifting) but I’m not seeing much results. My diet has been pretty good overall but I’m sure it could use some work. I’m vegan. Any chance of some help?
Does your custom meal plan and workout program work if you are wanting a custom work out for home?
I have trained with one of your members before and had an amazing experience. I would love to know when the soonest availability for online personal training will be ?
Thank you,
When will spots be opening up for online personal training ? Excited to start !
Hi guys,
Great website! I am interested in the one on one training, how long does it usually take before new spots open up?
Hi! I just payed for the custom meal plans and workout routine and realised my PayPal account is attached to my old email address (iz**@ob************.uk) and you are probably sending it there – could you possibly send a he information to my email co*****@ba********.com – that would be amazing – thank you! So excited to connect with you two!
Interested in either one-on-one or twelve weeks to meet your goal. Is there any openings for one-on-one? If now Is there any openings for 12 weeks to meet your goal?
I am interested in the training plan ($99). I’m curious if the plan could be geared towards muscle building with roller derby in mind. I skate for a team, and our “season” is all year long, so no time for “off-season” training. Would this.be something your trainers can work with?
Hi Bambi, the plan is custom, so it’s designed to work with your current activities and goals.
Hello, I am interested in purchasing a package, however, there are some questions I would like to ask before I do. To where or whom can I email these questions?
Hi Anthony, There are contact forms on the online training page – fill one out with your name, e-mail, and questions and we will get back to you!
Hi guys,
I spoke with Max, he may have sent you a message. Unfortunately, I had an accident where I tore my rear delt so I have to slow on the weight training upper body until I fix it. He mentioned that you are starting a group session on weight loss. I’m looking to get under %10 body fat while I heal. Are you still accepting people for the class?
Hi Marcella and Derek, I love your book!!!!!!! I need some help w/ my clients. I’m looking for a good way to get body fat off. w/ a plant based diet. thanks gary
Excellent, glad it helped Gary!
Dear Sir and Madam:
I came across your website and all I can say is, “OH MY!!! Vegan body builders!?” I didn’t think it was possible for a vegan to look like that. I have been vegan for 8 years and am quite small. My ethnicity is part Filipino and so I have small bones. I weigh 87 lbs, am 5 ft. tall, and I am 35 yrs. old. I have weighed that much since 11 yrs. old. I would like to gain more muscle. I’m confused about how to figure out how much calories, fat, carbs I need to eat. I read an article before stating that we need to eat 50% calories from carbs, 30% calories from protein, 20% from fat. Where do I find info that lists the carbs, protein, fat of raw foods/greens, sprouted grain/legumes, etc.? Is it possible to get all your calories in just three meals rather than eating 6-8 meals? I have difficulty eating a third meal. I have to force myself. Can the meals be replaced with raw vegetable juices instead of actual food? I also don’t know what exercises would be best. I read some of your articles under “workout” and “body building” but I don’t know what compound exercises are and what a super set is, how much sets and reps I’m suppose to do. My husband was greatly inspired after seeing pictures of Derek and would also like to gain muscle. He also is vegan and is lean and have been so even when he use to eat animal products. He is 5 ft. 7 inches tall and weighs 120 lbs. He had difficulty gaining weight all his life. He has difficulty finding the time to exercise because he’s so tired from construction/carpentry work. I don’t know what supplements he needs to help him with his exhaustion or if we both need any supplements to help us. Anyway, your counsel would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
Hi DJ,
Thank you for the kind words! It sounds like you and your husband could both really benefit from having a plan to follow that would help you figure out your nutrition and gain some muscle mass. If you’re interested in online training please email me at tr******@gm***.com with any questions you have and we’ll take it from there. Thanks!
Hi Derek and Marcella im not vegan and would like to go plant based
im only 38- 5’8- 206 pound with slightly high cholesterol and would like to get in to great shape working online with you im gona order your book but im really out of shape and need one on one i live in Ireland so it would have to be online if you could send me price and details it would be great
Thank you
Please reply
Hi Chris,
Thanks for writing. I’m very happy to hear you’re looking to transition to plant-based! We can certainly help you via email-only online training for $150/month, or if you’d like some extra guidance with weekly Skype meetings for $185/month. Please shoot me an email at tr******@gm***.com if you have any questions, Thanks!
Hey! I am thinking of buying one of your packages, but I like to be a low fat vegan (less than 15% of calories dietary fat). Does the meal plan subscribe to the low fat recommendations of Dr. Neal Barnard, Dr. Colin Campbell, Dr. Esselstyn etc.? Thanks!
Sorry for the late reply. We eat about 15% of calories from fat ourselves, and the meal plans are always written with the client’s preferences in mind. But, if you’re already on board with the recommendations of the above doctors you probably don’t need us!
I’m interested in an individual personal training. Any spots open?
Hi, how do I sign up for root force online?
Hi Kat, Check out the previews at rootforcept.com and if you’d like, click on the Subscribe link on the menu bar!
Hello, I would like to sign up for the personal training program. Before I do however I would like to know if you also incorporate fresh juices and mostly a raw diet, which I personally prefer. I need muscle gain and weight loss. Thank you.
Hi Andrea! We’ll be starting a new set of groups in September and we’ll have a new trainer on our team who specializes in raw food diets. Let us know if you want to join up!
Hi, my name is Sergey. I’m glade to meet you!
See you letter!
I need help with nutrition…I love to workout but have been eating animal protien. I know its possible to eat a vegan diet and be healthy but I don’t know where to start. I have purchased books but all the nutrition has been based on a male diet. Does the member portal give advise and examples for women?
We don’t have male and female specific advice because our general recommendations are the same for both sexes. What you can eat depends more on how active you are and how your body responds to different things; we try to give workouts and meal plans that can be personalized and give the tools to do that.
Hi there, I’m a long time vegetarian looking to switch to a vegan plant based diet. I have a busy work life and looking for ways to have a sustainable vegan lifestyle. I’m wondering how much resources you have on diet planning/cooking demonstration, and if you would do a customized online training, for just the diet segment. I’m not so much interested in the fitness segment, as I have been an athlete all my life and have a routine that works for me. I look forward to hearing from you.
So far we have 3 videos and are uploading 2 more, so not much. But we have a long list of them we’ll be filming over the next month or so. For us, the nutrition and cooking are the most important aspect our training – it’s just that filming takes longer! If you like I can contact you when we have a decent amount of content on that up – should be about a month.